Konserten med Suffocation på John Dee 23. mars er dessverre avlyst. Kjøpte billetter refunderes innen 23.05.25. Billettkjøpere har fått informasjon på mail. Spillested sender til mailadressen registrert hos Ticketmaster.
«Due to unforeseen circumstances Suffocation will not be able to perform their show in Oslo, Norway on March 23rd and as a result are forced to cancel. Tickets will be refunded at your point of purchase. We are very sorry for the inconvenience and hope to make it up to our fans in Norway in the future! Our supports, Angelmaker, Fuming Mouth, Carcosa and Mélancolia, will still be playing a replacement show in Oslo at Goldie, for which tickets will be on sale shortly.»
NB! Merk at billetter fra John Dee IKKE kan brukes på Goldie.
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